Pre-authorized payment plans for renewal - the results!
Thank you for providing ACSLPA with your input! This information will inform staff's work and Council's decisions on considering a pre-authorized payment plan!
Respondents: 104 (~6.5% response rate).
Note: Registered members reached out to ask if payment by credit card would be possible with a pre-authorized payment plan. Unfortunately, only payment by pre-authorized debit would be possible.
Disciplinary Decisions & Agreements
- The practice of all regulated members must meet the minimum professional requirements outlined in our Key College Documents and as required by the Health Professions Act.
- It is ACSLPA’s responsibility to receive, investigate, and address complaints of unprofessional conduct regarding regulated members.
- The College publishes disciplinary decisions and agreements on its website. To learn more about why, you can read this Insights article Publication of Conduct Proceedings.
- New disciplinary decisions or agreements arising from complaints have recently been added to ACSLPA's Disciplinary Decisions - Agreements webpage.
Registered Member Engagement Survey
ACSLPA staff has been working with Pivotal Research Inc. to develop a survey that will help to inform the College's decision-making, evaluate our effectiveness, and assist ACSLPA with improving the services provided to registered members.
Watch your inbox for a link to the survey in mid-March. When you see this email, please set aside 15 minutes to complete it. Your input is very important to the College.
ACSLPA Private Practice Webinar
Join Sharia Ali, SLP Advisor and Cheryl Blair, Audiology Advisor on Wednesday, March 13 at noon to learn about regulatory information relevant to regulated members who are in private practice or thinking about going into private practice.
There is more information on our 'Upcoming Webinars' page or click the link below and register now!
We are asking for your input ....
Pursuing an advanced authorization to order ionizing radiation for the purpose of videofluoroscopic swallowing studies (VFSS) is an objective included in the college's 2024 Annual Plan.
ACSLPA is interested in your thoughts and perspectives and whether you feel it could be beneficial to the public.
Please take 2 - 10 minute survey.
Professional Predicaments
The College has received questions from regulated members about the maintenance of client records and the transition from paper to digital format of records in the future. Click below to learn more.
Key College Documents
ACSLPA has developed a variety of helpful key documents which are always accessible on our website. Regulated members must adhere to ACSLPA's Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Competency Profiles. ACSLPA's guidelines and other key documents are developed to help regulated members meet these minimum requirements.
Nominations Committee
Registered members, please let us know if you would be interested in being a member of the Nominations Committee. This committee leads the process for selection of suitable candidates for the ACSLPA Council. There will be an election in 2024.
For more information, click here to view the Terms of Reference. If you are interested, click here to complete the application form.
ACSLPA Updates
- ACSLPA Council will be meeting on Saturday, March 9. The agenda will be available on March 1. Click here
- The Government of Alberta is now advertising to recruit public member candidates to serve on health profession college councils. If you or anyone you know are interested in a public member positions, please visit the webpage here.
- Upcoming hearings are published here.
#620, 4445 Calgary Trail NW | Edmonton, AB T6H 5R7 | 1-800-537-0589