Welcome to 2022!
Happy New Year to members and their families!
All the best from ACSLPA Council and staff.
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Updates
ACSLPA is introducing a new Continuing Competence Program. In the fall of 2022, new forms and processes will be in place for renewal.
Watch this space throughout 2022 for updates to the webpage dedicated to the new program.
ACSLPA Insights - Developing Key College Documents
Ever thought about what goes into the development of a Standard of Practice or an ACSLPA Guideline or Advisory Statement?
Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Advisory (ARADA) Committee
The results of ACSLPA’s Membership Diversity Survey (2021) are now available!
ACSLPA regulated members can now view the Membership Diversity Survey Report, which details the results of the Membership Diversity Survey completed by members in late 2021.
Any questions can be directed to the SLP Practice Advisor, Sharia Ali, at slp@acslpa.ca.
ACSLPA has two new staff members!
We are pleased to welcome Sharia Ali and Vita Wensel to our team.
- Sharia, a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist, is now ACSLPA's permanent SLP Practice Advisor. Contact Sharia with questions about professional practice or CCP. In addition to answering member inquiries, Sharia works on Key College Document and CCP development, and provides staff support to the ARADA and Competence Committees.
- Vita is a barrister and solicitor and ACSLPA’s new Professional Conduct Counsel. She is ACSLPA’s Complaints Director under the Health Professions Act. Vita receives and responds to concerns and complaints as part of ACSLPA’s mandate to protect the public and regulate the professions and ensures ACSLPA has an effective and efficient complaints and conduct process. Contact Vita if you have concerns you wish to discuss or are seeking more information on the complaints process.
Council Meeting Highlights- January 22, 2022
ACSLPA Council meets 5 times a year. The updates from these meeting will be available for members to read on the ACSLPA website. Here are a few highlights from the meeting on January 22:
- Two new members welcomed for first term, one member for their second term.
- A new definition of ‘client’ was approved and adopted. Please watch the website for this definition to be updated. (definition here).
ACSLPA News ...
- Lunch and Learn Webinar - Tuesday, February15 @ noon
Introducing ACSLPA's Revised Continuing Competence Program Click here to sign up.
- Opportunity for Input! On the subject of webinars, are there any 'regulatory' topics that you would like to know more about? If so, please complete the ONE question survey here.
- As promised in December, the 2022 ACSLPA Business Plan and Budget was posted to the website. Click here to review.
- The Pediatric Amplification Protocol was sent to Audiologists and was posted on the website here.
#620, 4445 Calgary Trail NW | Edmonton, AB T6H 5R7 | 1-800-537-0589