ACSLPA Turns 20!
On July 1, 2002 ACSLPA became a Regulated College. The June edition of ‘From the Desk of the Registrar’ outlines some changes that have occurred over the last 20 years. Click here to read the article.
Essentials will be taking the summer off. You will still hear from ACSLPA via email when action by regulated members is required. Essentials will be back at the end of August!
Enjoy the summer of 2022!
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Updates
In the fall, ACSLPA will be hosting drop-in virtual Q&A sessions and releasing instructional videos to assist regulated members with completing the new CCP forms.
Check out the CCP webpage for information about the new program, including:
- Samples and examples of the CCP forms
members will complete during renewal
- CCP Accommodation Plan
- CCP Activities Presentation
Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Approved by Council June 2022
ACSLPA Council recently approved and adopted a revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for the College, both of which are posted on the ACSLPA website and available for regulated members to review. Revisions include considerations related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the provision of professional services.
A webinar outlining the changes to both documents has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 14th. Further details regarding registration for the session will follow. For those unable to attend, it will be recorded and posted on ACSLPA’s Youtube channel.
Cross Provincial Practice Agreement Implementation Date: July 4, 2022
As part of ACSLPA’s work to eliminate barriers to service, the College has entered into an agreement between ourselves, the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO), the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Manitoba (CASLPM), the New Brunswick Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (NBASLPA), and the Saskatchewan Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (SASLPA).
The purpose of this agreement is to allow for cross provincial practice either virtually or in person into a secondary province for up to a maximum of 200 direct client/patient service hours in a year.
Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Advisory (ARADA) Committee
This month's ACSLPA Insights was inspired by a discussion at an ARADA committee meeting.
Click here to lean more about 'What is the Public and What is the Public Interest?
Professional Predicaments
A new series of Professional Predicaments all about social media will be available over the next couple of months in Essentials. The first article in the series deals with befriending clients on Facebook. Click below to read.
Call for Council Nominations
The 'Call for Council Nominations' is now open! There are 4 positions available starting January 2023. If you have been a nominee in the past, or thought about nominating yourself or a colleague, this is your opportunity.
Council Updates - June 4, 2022
ACSLPA Council meets 5 times a year. The updates from these meetings will be available for members to read on the ACSLPA website. Here are a few highlights from the meeting on June 4:
- Council approved increasing the Courtesy Register fee to $200 effective July 1.
- The next steps for finalizing ACSLPA’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan were established.
ACSLPA News ...
- On June 16 ACSLPA released a new COVID-19 Management Position Statement. In case you missed the email last week, click here to review the statement.
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