Welcome to 2024!
Happy New Year to ACSLPA regulated members and your families!
All the best from ACSLPA Council and staff.
Disciplinary Decisions & Agreements
- The practice of all regulated members must meet the minimum professional requirements outlined in our Key College Documents and as required by the Health Professions Act.
- It is ACSLPA’s responsibility to receive, investigate, and address complaints of unprofessional conduct regarding regulated members.
- The College publishes disciplinary decisions and agreements on its website. To learn more about why, you can read this Insights article Publication of Conduct Proceedings.
- New disciplinary decisions or agreements arising from complaints have recently been added to ACSLPA's Disciplinary Decisions - Agreements webpage.
Pre-authorized payment plans for renewal?
ACSLPA is considering setting up a pre-authorized debit pre-payment plan for future renewals. This would allow registered members to pay their renewal fees monthly in the months leading up to renewal.
Your opinion counts! Please check your inbox for the Essentials sent on January 24 for the link and take a 1-minute survey to let us know if you would be interested in a 'Payment Plan' for renewal.
ACSLPA Guideline Update Webinar
During the renewal process we received many calls from regulated members curious to know more about why they were asked to report their middle name during renewal. This month's Insights article delves into the legislation around regulated members' personal information.
Registrant Engagement Survey
ACSLPA staff has been working with Pivotal Research Inc. to develop a survey that will help to inform the College's decision-making, evaluate our effectiveness, and help improve the services provided to registered members.
Watch your inbox for a link to the survey in mid March. When you see this email, please set aside15 minutes to complete it. Your input is very important to the College.
2024 Annual Plan
Take a look at the 2024 Annual Plan and find out what ACSLPA plans to accomplish during 2024.
- Reviewing the College’s reserves policies
- Creating a key college document on referral for medical consultation
- Strengthening ACSLPA’s connection with Alberta Education
- and so much more!
ACSLPA Updates
- To view ACSLPA's published disciplinary decisions and agreements can be found here.
- Upcoming hearings are published here.
#620, 4445 Calgary Trail NW | Edmonton, AB T6H 5R7 | 1-800-537-0589