Patient Relations Program and Funding for Treatment or Counselling

Potential Penalties for Complaints of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct


Each complaint is unique, and a penalty is determined by the Hearing Tribunal based on the circumstances of a complaint. However, some penalties are mandatory if the Hearing Tribunal makes a finding of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct. If a Hearing Tribunal finds a regulated member’s conduct, in whole or in part, constituted sexual abuse, the mandatory penalty is cancellation of a regulated member’s permit, including a prohibition from re-applying to the College. If a Hearing Tribunal finds a regulated member’s conduct, in whole or in part, constituted sexual misconduct, the mandatory penalty is a suspension of a regulated member’s [...]

Potential Penalties for Complaints of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct2022-06-21T14:41:45-06:00

The Complaint Process for Complaints of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct


For more information on the complaint process, please review 'The Complaints Process'. Within 30 days of receiving a complaint, the Complaints Director must give written notice to the complainant of the action that will be taken. If a patient makes a complaint of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct, the Complaints Director will also discuss funding for treatment or counselling through a confidential, voluntary, and independent third-party program with the patient. Please review PAGE HERE for more information. The process for sexual abuse and sexual misconduct follows the process described in the Health Professions Act, with some additional protections of patients including: [...]

The Complaint Process for Complaints of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct2022-06-21T14:33:30-06:00
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