Protecting Patients

When You Believe a Professional Boundary has been Violated


We recognize that coming forward with a complaint about sexual abuse or sexual misconduct can be very difficult. ACSLPA’s primary objective is to remove the barriers that hinder reporting of sexual abuse and misconduct by creating a safe reporting environment.  ACSLPA cannot perform its mandate in protecting the public and putting a stop to these behaviours if we are unaware of the issues. When you believe a speech-language pathologist or audiologist may have committed sexual abuse or sexual misconduct our priority is you. Once you are in a safe place and you are able, please review our website information. Our Complaints [...]

When You Believe a Professional Boundary has been Violated2021-09-01T13:54:30-06:00

Defining Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct


The Health Professions Act (HPA) provides the following definitions used within our Standards of Practice: Sexual Abuse: means the threatened, attempted or actual conduct of a regulated member towards a patient that is of a sexual nature and includes the following conduct: Sexual intercourse between a regulated member and a patient of that regulated member Genital to genital, genital to anal, oral to genital, or oral to anal contact between a regulated member and a patient of that regulated member; Masturbation of a regulated member by, or in the presence of, a patient of that regulated member; Masturbation of a regulated member’s patient [...]

Defining Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct2021-09-01T13:53:42-06:00
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