ACSLPA Revised Bylaws
(3rd Edition)
ACSLPA Revised Bylaws (3rd Edition)
Part 4: Registers of Regulated Members
(1) In addition to information required by the Act, the Registrar may enter the following information for each regulated member into the appropriate category of register:
(a) whether the regulated member is the subject, under Part 4 of the Act, of an ongoing investigation under Division 3, hearing under Division 4, or Appeal under Division 5.
(b) whether the regulated member has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct or has agreed that their conduct was unprofessional conduct within the prior five (5) year period unless a different period of time is specified in the Act.
(2) In addition to any other information required by the Act or Regulations, all regulated members and applicants must provide to the Registrar the following information:
(a) their legal first, middle, and last name,
(b) their preferred name if they practice under a name that is not their legal name,
(c) proof of legal name change, if their name is changed or does not match records submitted to the College,
(d) their date of birth,
(e) a home address, which cannot be a P.O. box address,
(f) a mailing address for the purpose of receiving confidential correspondence and notices,
(g) an email address for the purpose of receiving confidential electronic correspondence and notices,
(h) a phone number at which they can be reached during business hours,
(i) proof of education, training, and experience acceptable to the Registrar,
(j) information on their regulated professional practice including:
(i) employer addresses and phone numbers,
(ii) practice locations,
(iii) areas of practice,
(iv) specializations,
(v) names of all supervisors,
(vi) other professional registrations in Alberta or in other jurisdictions,
(k) information about regulated members requested by the Minister under section 122 of the Act, which includes but is not limited to the regulated member’s gender,
(l) information respecting each of the regulated member’s education credentials relevant to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology earned at a post-secondary institution:
(i) the type of credential,
(ii) the year the credential was granted, and
(iii) the name of the institution that granted the credential and the country in which the institution was located,
(m) the number of hours the regulated member has worked in the applicable profession in the previous five (5) years.
(3) The Registrar may remove information from a register when the College has no legal or business reason to retain the information, or when the Registrar is satisfied that the information is incorrect.
In addition to the disclosure of information required by the Act and regulations, the following information on each regulated member will be available through the register and may be published on the College website:
(a) the start date of an upcoming registration or active practice permit if a registration, renewal, or reinstatement is complete but has not yet come into effect,
(b) any information entered into a register in accordance with section 33(3) of the HPA including subsections (c), (d), and (h).
The Registrar may, with the consent of a regulated member, publish information on the ACSLPA website that enables members of the public to find regulated members based on geography, language of professional services, practice specialization, or other parameters, at the discretion of the Registrar. This information shall be separate from the registers of regulated members.