Members of the public may have questions regarding the professional practice of registered members of Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA). At times, some may find it difficult to determine whether a person is a registered member of ACSLPA depending on how a person has identified themselves. This includes advertising where both registered practitioners and non-registered individuals promote services within the protected scope of either a SLP or Audiologist. Additionally, questions surrounding personal experiences involving “practice” may present themselves as an “unknown” where clarification is required. We encourage the public to contact ACSLPA when these type of scenarios or concerns require clarification.
There is at times a very narrow margin between a concern and a complaint. ACSLPA may consider any concern about a registered member as “Unprofessional Conduct” that may include a breach within the HPA, Code of Ethics or the Standards of Practice. However not all concerns or complaints may constitute unprofessional conduct.
If you want to submit a formal complaint and not a concern, go to Complaints against a member.
Concerns that ACSLPA Cannot Address
Members of Other Colleges
ACSLPA cannot address concerns about members of other professions or present a concern on an individual’s behalf to another regulatory college. Concerns and complaints by the public of registered health care practitioners are college specific and require reporting to the appropriate regulatory body. If a member of the public contacts ACSLPA and it is identified that the person in question is not a registered member but may be registered elsewhere, we will attempt to direct you to the appropriate regulatory body when applicable.
Regular Members of the Public
ACSLPA does not have the authority to address concerns about individuals that are not regulated members of ACSLPA. However, we can address the use of protected titles or advertising by un-regulated individuals or companies in Alberta. If there are concerns about whether an individual is a registered member of ACSLPA, you are encouraged to check our Verify Registration tool on our website or if necessary, contact the College.
Employment or Labour Relations Issues
The legislative authority of the HPA addresses the practice of registered members. Normally this does not include disputes related to employment or labour relations standards unless it relates to professional practice. Under the HPA, employers are legally obligated to report the discipline of registered members to ACSLPA at the time they engage in discipline which involve issues they believe to be unprofessional conduct. These cases will be treated as a complaint.
Compensation Issues
ACSLPA cannot order payments or reimbursements of funds for individuals who feel that they have been wronged. These are often complex issues. We encourage all members of the public when engaging the services of an SLP or Audiologist to have clear written expectations in place prior to service. Renumeration for pain and suffering are outside the legislative authority of ACSLPA.
Notifying the College of a Concern
Individuals may want to outline a concern in writing through email and/or seek clarification through a discussion. The complaints department may be able to provide you with important information in resolving your concern or assist you in filing a formal complaint. You can access the complaints department through email or by phone at