Regulated members demonstrate respect for all persons, promote the well-being of others, and recognize clients’[2] rights to autonomy in decision-making regarding their care.
Regulated members:
1.1 Promote inclusive care by acknowledging individual values, cultures, languages, needs, and goals, and treat all persons with sensitivity, dignity, and respect.
1.2 Obtain an understanding of what constitutes health and well-being from the perspective of the client and use this information to guide the provision of services.
1.3 Provide services in a courteous, compassionate, and caring manner.
1.4 Acknowledge the right to fair and equitable access to services, including consideration of systemic barriers and determinants of health faced by culturally and linguistically diverse population groups.
1.5 Respect and support the autonomy of clients to make choices and decisions regarding their own care and/or to refuse treatment and withdraw from services at any time.
1.6 Respect the confidentiality and privacy of all client information.
[2] A glossary of terms is included at the end of this document. Key terms are bolded to indicate their inclusion in the glossary.