All Other Speech-Language Pathology Applicants
(e.g., applicants educated outside of Canada or the US, graduates of non-accredited Canadian and American programs, applicants from American jurisdictions where application requirements are not substantially equivalent to ACSLPA’s).
Required documents:
NOTE: If you are unable to obtain official copies of your transcripts and other documents because of a situation you cannot control, you must submit a letter explaining your situation and you may give certified, true copies of your original documents.
After we’ve reviewed these required documents, we will notify you by email regarding your application, and will outline any additional requirements.
Our standard requirement upon review of documentation is successful completion of an exam. Further information regarding examination requirements is available here.
NOTE: You are responsible for the cost of writing the examination, and the results are valid for up to five years from the date you successfully passed the exam.
Once you have successfully passed the exam, you will be approved for registration, and must then submit:
❏ Evidence you have the required Professional Liability Insurance (See Appendix 3 in the Registration Handbook).
❏ A satisfactory Police Information Check, or equivalent (See Appendix 5 in the Registration Handbook).
❏ The applicable registration fee.
After we’ve reviewed these required documents, we will notify you by email whether or not your application has been successful. If your application is successful:
- You will receive an email advising you to pay the applicable registration fee.
- You will receive information and instructions for completion of the jurisprudence education requirements of the College
(See Appendix 6 in the Registration Handbook).
You will then be registered with the condition that you must practice under the supervision of an approved speech-language pathologist or audiologist for a minimum period of 12 weeks (450 hours). The purpose of the supervised practice is to ensure that the new registrant has the knowledge and skills required to practice their profession, while supporting and assisting them in becoming successful, independent practitioners in Alberta.
You must find a professional to supervise you and submit their name to ACSLPA for approval. An approved supervisor must:
- be a practicing member of ACSLPA,
- have a minimum of 5 years of clinical experience in their respective profession,
- be of good character and reputation,
- be in good standing with ACSLPA and not be subject to any complaints or investigations at the time of the supervision, and
- be approved as a supervisor by the Registrar.
ACSLPA will give the approved supervisor their guidelines and reporting forms (Refer to Appendices 7a and 7b for sample supervision forms).
As a new regulated member, you will receive instructions for downloading and printing your annual practice permit (with the condition that you practice under supervision) and receipt.
After you successfully complete the period of supervised practice, the conditions are removed and you will be issued a new practice permit valid for what remains of the registration/calendar year.
If you need more information on the required documents and the registration process, you can find detailed descriptions in the Registration Handbook.