Code of Ethics



I. Background The Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA) is a professional regulatory body that protects and serves the public by regulating and supporting speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and audiologists to ensure competent, safe, and ethical practice, including the provision of services that are free from racism and discrimination. SLPs and audiologists have been regulated under the Health Professions Act (HPA) in Alberta since July 1, 2002. The HPA directs the activities of ACSLPA and outlines the regulatory responsibilities of the College that are required to protect and serve the public. Under the HPA, ACSLPA must establish, maintain, and enforce [...]




ACSLPA would like to thank the dedicated volunteers who shared their expertise by participating as members of the original CEAG (2017) and as members of 2021 focus groups.


Appendix II. How the ACSLPA Code of Ethics was Developed


The Code of Ethics (2017) project took 11 months to complete. A Code of Ethics Advisory Group (CEAG), composed of representative members of the two professions, was established to provide input into the process. The project involved the following five steps: Preparation of a background document that provided an environmental scan and included: i) a literature review of current trends and best practices in the development of code frameworks; ii) a comparison of codes used by selected health professions; and iii) recommendations for a suitable framework for development of the ACSLPA Code. Development of Draft 1 of the Code. Facilitation [...]

Appendix II. How the ACSLPA Code of Ethics was Developed2022-06-07T14:47:26-06:00

Appendix I. Glossary


Client refers to “a recipient of speech-language pathology or audiology services, and may be an individual, family, group, community, or population.  Individual clients may also be referred to as patients." Client-centered services refer to “a partnership between a team of health providers and a client where the client retains control over their care and is provided access to the knowledge and skills of team members to arrive at a realistic team shared plan of care and access to the resources to achieve the plan.” Collaborative practice refers to “the process of developing and maintaining effective interprofessional working relationships with learners, [...]

Appendix I. Glossary2022-06-09T11:22:15-06:00

4. Accountability


Regulated members take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Regulated members: 4.1    Are responsible and accountable for their actions and decisions. 4.2    Access and use available resources conscientiously and prudently in the pursuit of quality client care. 4.3    Provide only those services that are beneficial to clients, discontinuing interventions when clients no longer benefit. 4.4    Avoid or manage any real, perceived, or potential conflict of interest in which their professional integrity, professional independence, or the provision of professional services could be influenced or compromised. 4.5    Only seek compensation for products and services that is justifiable [...]

4. Accountability2022-08-24T15:07:02-06:00

3. Collaboration


Regulated members foster collaborative practice with clients, service providers, and others to support integrated client-centred care. Regulated members: 3.1 Communicate truthfully and respectfully with clients to facilitate understanding of proposed services and promote realistic expectations of service outcomes. 3.2 Communicate in a collaborative, open, and responsible manner to support effective team functioning. 3.3 Interact respectfully and constructively with clients, their caregivers, and other service providers to support integrated, client-centred services.

3. Collaboration2023-05-25T10:48:02-06:00

2. Professionalism


Regulated members demonstrate professional behaviour and integrity in the delivery of safe, ethical, quality services. Regulated members: 2.1 Promote and protect the public’s trust, and the reputation of the professions, by acting with honesty, integrity, objectivity, diligence, and courtesy. 2.2 Maintain appropriate professional boundaries. 2.3 Acknowledge the primacy of client welfare and client autonomy, focusing on principles of social justice, cultural humility, and cultural safety.

2. Professionalism2022-08-24T15:06:36-06:00

1. Respect for all Persons


Regulated members demonstrate respect for all persons, promote the well-being of others, and recognize clients’[2] rights to autonomy in decision-making regarding their care. Regulated members: 1.1 Promote inclusive care by acknowledging individual values, cultures, languages, needs, and goals, and treat all persons with sensitivity, dignity, and respect. 1.2 Obtain an understanding of what constitutes health and well-being from the perspective of the client and use this information to guide the provision of services. 1.3 Provide services in a courteous, compassionate, and caring manner. 1.4 Acknowledge the right to fair and equitable access to services, including consideration of systemic barriers and determinants [...]

1. Respect for all Persons2022-08-24T15:06:23-06:00
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