Continuing Competence Program
Evaluation Rubrics
Continuing Education Report
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Activity descriptions do not provide specific identifying information for the continuing education activities completed (e.g., date, title, author/presenter/instruction, hosting organization, etc.). |
Activity descriptions provide specific identifying information for the continuing education activities completed (e.g., date, title, author/presenter/instruction, hosting organization, etc.). |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Reflections do not include specific examples of knowledge gained and/or changes to practice that occurred as a result of completing the continuing education activity. | Each reflection includes specific examples of knowledge gained and/or changes to practice that occurred as a result of completing the continuing education activity. |
Peer Dialogue Reflection
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Member describes a routine situation that should not require peer dialogue.
The situation described is unrelated to the member’s profession. |
Reflection is on a situation or event that warrants discussion and feedback.
The situation described is related to the member’s profession. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Choice of peer is inappropriate to the situation.
Reflection does not explain how the peer’s skills, knowledge and expertise are relevant to the professional situation discussed. |
Choice of peer is appropriate to the situation.
Reflection explains how the peer’s skills, knowledge and expertise are relevant to the professional situation discussed. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
Reflection does not include specific examples of knowledge gained and/or changes to practice that occurred as a result of the dialogue. | Reflection includes specific examples of knowledge gained and/or changes to practice that occurred as a result of the dialogue. |
Risks and Supports Profile
Refer | Meets Requirements |
For each risk identified:
Reflection does not include specific examples of practice areas, tasks, or situations where the risk impacts the regulated member’s competence to practice. |
For each risk identified:
Reflection includes specific examples of practice areas, tasks, or situations where the risk impacts the regulated member’s competence to practice. |
Refer | Meets Requirements |
For each support identified:
Reflection does not include specific examples of practice areas, tasks, or situations where the support helps to maintain or enhance their competence to practice. |
For each support identified:
Reflection includes specific examples of practice areas, tasks, or situations where the support helps to maintain or enhance their competence to practice. |