ACSLPA has been contacted by a couple of regulated members with questions related to fee changes approved by Council and announced in July. As others may have similar questions, we are sharing the information below to supplement the email sent to registered members on July 20.

ACSLPA’s Role & Mandate

  • ACSLPA regulates the practice of speech-language pathologists and audiologists on behalf of all Albertans by establishing, maintaining, and enforcing standards for competent, safe, and ethical practice.
  • Resources available for learning more about ACSLPA’s role and mandate:
    • ACSLPA’s Annual Report provides information about the College, its mandate, and its activities.
    • ACSLPA’s Insights articles offer insight into the workings of regulatory Colleges in general and ACSLPA specifically.
    • ACSLPA’s Annual Plan and budget outlines the activities the College’s Council has approved for a year and the approved budget to complete the work.

Payment Plans

  • Currently, the College offers a “split payments” plan that allows regulated members to split their fee payment into as many smaller payments as they would like during the renewal period (November 1 to December 31 in 2023).
  • The Health Professions Act requires that all fees are paid before the start of the registration year, so a monthly payment during the course of the registration year is not an option. In 2024 the College will be evaluating a monthly pre-authorized pre-payment plan option for upcoming renewals. Registered members, please watch for a survey in 2024 to determine interest in a pre-authorized pre-payment plan.

Timing of ACSLPA’s Renewal

  • There has been an expression of interest to change the time of renewal so that it does not coincide with the holiday season. Changing ACSLPA’s registration year from January 1 to December 31 to a different 12-month period has been an ongoing consideration by Councils and staff. It has not been implemented due to the added cost and inconvenience for registered members.

How would a change to the timing of ACSLPA’s renewal affect registered members?

  • It would require regulated members to renew more than once in a 12-month period in the year or years the change was implemented.
  • There would be additional costs resulting from required changes to the College’s bylaws, processes, policies, and your member login area, and associated staff time.

When did ACSLPA’s fees last increase?

  • Thanks to Council and staff’s focus on cost control, general registration and practice permit fees have not increased since 2010.

Why do ACSLPA fees need to increase?

  • ACSLPA’s operating expenses have exceeded operating revenues since 2018.
  • Like its regulated members, ACSLPA has faced a high inflation rate since 2021 and associated increasing costs.
  • Changes to legislation no longer permit ACSLPA to earn revenue from other sources such as a Job Board and hosting a Conference.
  • Although Council and staff continue to focus on cost control, ACSLPA is required to fulfill its regulatory mandate as set out in the Health Professions Act (HPA) and cannot change what it does to reduce costs.

What is the new fee terminology?

  • The total fee has been divided into 2 areas – registration fee and practice permit.
  • The registration fee is paid by both non-practicing and practicing members.
  • The practice permit fee is paid by practicing members.

What will fees be in 2027 and beyond?

  • Please plan for fees to increase as often as annually as required by inflation and ACSLPA to fulfill its mandate.
  • For current and projected fees, click here.