ACSLPA offers a variety of documents and links to its members and the public. To assist you in your search, please see the definitions of ACSLPA documents below or click here for the pdf document.
If you are unable to find the document you need, please use the Contact ACSLPA form or call the office for further assistance.
ACSLPA* Document Definitions (September 2021)
Minimum Professional Requirements that Apply to Regulated Members
Code of Ethics: Outlines the ethical principles, values, and responsibilities to which regulated members must adhere. Regulated members must practice in accordance with the Code; a breach of the Code may constitute unprofessional conduct, as defined in the Health Professions Act (HPA).
Standard of Practice: Is an established measure or norm which defines the minimum level of professional performance that regulated members must demonstrate in their practice; a breach of a Standard may constitute unprofessional conduct as defined in the HPA.
Competency Profile: Specifies the minimum knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment required of regulated members for safe and effective practice.
Resources to Support the Application of Minimum Professional Requirements
Advisory Statement: Provides direction to ensure regulated members have information to comply with legislation, standards, and other minimum requirements.
- Audiology Virtual Practice
- Considerations for Discontinuing Speech-Language Pathology Services Due to Layoff
- Infection Prevention Control: Reusable and Single-Use Medical Devices
- Use of the Protected Title “Doctor” When Providing a Health Service
- Using Your Protected Professional Designation the Right Way
Guideline: Provides guidance to regulated members to support them in the clinical application of Standards of Practice.
- Anti-Racist Service Provision for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
- Assessment of Linguistically Diverse Clients
- Clinical Documentation and Record Keeping – Revised June 2021
- Concurrent Practice
- Hearing Screening Guideline and Protocol
- Informed Consent for Service Guideline
- Speech-Language Pathologists’ and Audiologists’ Guideline for Working with Support Personnel
- Professional Boundaries
- Virtual Care Guideline
Position Statement: Sets out the official position or stand of “the College” on an issue or matter that is significant to the professions, and to outside agencies or groups.
Protocol: Consistent with Competency Profiles for the professions, a protocol outlines the specific clinical criteria, activities, and procedures that should be adhered to by regulated members in the provision of specific professional services. Protocols are evidence informed.
Requirement: A necessary condition that must be satisfied for a person to be allowed to do something or to be suitable for something.
Alberta legislation defines restricted activities as those procedures or services that pose significant risk and require a high level of professional competence to be performed safely. Restricted activities may only be performed by persons authorized by their regulatory College to do so. Regulated speech-language pathologists and audiologists should only perform those restricted activities that they are competent to perform and that are appropriate to their area of practice.
A speech-language pathologist who is a regulated member of ACSLPA is authorized to perform the following restricted activities in relation to or as part of providing a health service:
- to insert air under pressure into the ear canal.
- to insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow.
- to insert or remove instruments, devices or fingers beyond the pharynx .
- to insert or remove instruments or devices into an artificial opening into the body.
- to administer oral diagnostic imaging contrast agents.
- Speech-Language Pathologist Restricted Activities Competency Profiles.
An audiologist who is a regulated member of ACSLPA is authorized to perform the following restricted activities in relation to or as part of providing a health service:
- to insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the cartilaginous portion of the ear canal.
- to insert into the ear canal:
– liquid, air or gas under pressure;
– a substance that subsequently solidifies. - Audiologist Restricted Activities Competency Profiles.
For further information, please contact the ACSLPA office.
ACSLPA Council approved the Restricted Activities Competency Profiles in January 2016. They are available below.
The key purpose for the Restricted Activities Competency Profiles is to provide a description of the minimum competencies of SLPs and audiologists required for safe and effective practice.
These documents have been primarily developed for the regulated members of the professions and for the College itself, but will also be of value to educators, managers, and employers.
For further information, please contact the ACSLPA office.
- *Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; otherwise referred to as “the College”.
- Regulated member and Registrant are used interchangeably.